Cruiser 2 Plus - Cruiser Suite
Cruiser 2 Plus - Cruiser Suite is the innovative standalone software package for unlocking, flashing, changing language, customizing and repairing of new Sony Ericsson phones.
Simple user interface
All-In-One installer
Internet connection mostly not required
Updates every week
Cruiser Suite package offers a huge collection of flexible components:
Locosto Flasher
A2 Flasher
Calypso Flasher
PDA Flasher
PDA CDA Changer
CS Ultimate Unlocker
PDA Unlocker
PNX Unlocker
TestPoint Unlocker
TestPoint Full Unlocker
Full Unlocker
A1 Java Unlocker
GDFS Backuper & Restorer
Below you can find description and features of all above applications which work with Cruiser Plus dongle.
Cruiser+ is the first standalone software for unlocking, changing language, changing customizations and repairing of new Sony Ericsson phones. Internet connection is required no more! Besides, Cruiser+ includes complete Fighter functionality.


Supported features:
- Flashing:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c , K510i, K510c, K510a, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W580i, W580c, W600i, W600c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, W900i, W900c, Z310i, Z310c, Z310a, Z558i, Z558c, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, K630i, K660i, K850i, K858c, V640i, W760i, W760c, W890i, W910i, W910c, Z750i, Z750a, K200i, K220i, J120i, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960, J300i, J300c, J300a, K750i, K750c, D750i, K758c, K600i,c, K608i, V600i, K500i,c, K506c, K508i,c, F500i, Z800i, Z800c, Z550i, Z550c, Z550a, Z500i, Z500c, Z500a, Z520i, Z520c, Z520a, Z530i, Z530c, Z525a, K300i, K300c, K300a, K310i, K310c, K310a, K550i, K550c, K700i, K700c, K770i, K770c, Z300i, Z300c, Z300a, W700i, W700c, W700a, W800i, W800c, W550i, W550c, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a, P900, P907, P908, Z200, Z208, S700i, S700c, S710a, V800, V802SE, P910, P910i, Z600, Z608, J200i, J200c, J210i, J210c, J220i, J220c, J220a,, J230i, J230c, J230a, G700, G900,
- Unlocking:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c , K510i, K510c, K510a, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, W900i, W900c, Z310i, Z310c, Z310a, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, K630i, K660i, K850i, K858c, V640i, W760i, W760c, W890i, W910i, W910c, Z750i, Z750a, K200i, K220i, J120i, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960, K600i,c, K608i, V600i, Z800i, Z800c, Z500i, Z500c, Z500a, Z530i, Z530c, K310i, K310c, K310a, K550i, K550c, K770i, K770c, Z300i, Z300c, Z300a, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a, P900, P907, P908, Z200, Z208, V800, V802SE, P910, P910i, Z600, Z608, J200i, J200c, J210i, J210c, J220i, J220c, J220a,, J230i, J230c, J230a, W350, W380, Z555, G700, G900, K310i, K310c, K310a (DB2012 only), K510i, K510c, K510a (DB2012 only), W300i, W300c, W300a (DB2012 only), W810i, W810c (DB2012 only), Z530i, Z530c (DB2012 only), Z780, W980, C702, C902, G502, Z770,
- Changing Language:
T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, K200i, K220i, J120i, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960,
- Reparing:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c , K510i, K510c, K510a, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, W900i, W900c, Z310i, Z310c, Z310a, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, K630i, K660i, K850i, K858c, V640i, W760i, W760c, W890i, W910i, W910c, Z750i, Z750a, K200i, K220i, J120i, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960, K750i, K750c, D750i, K758c, K600i,c, K608i, V600i, Z800i, Z800c, Z500i, Z500c, Z500a, Z530i, Z530c, K310i, K310c, K310a, K550i, K550c, K700i, K700c, K770i, K770c, Z300i, Z300c, Z300a, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a, P900, P907, P908, Z200, Z208, V800, V802SE, P910, P910i, Z600, Z608, J200i, J200c, J210i, J210c, J220i, J220c, J220a,, J230i, J230c, J230a, W350, W380, Z555, G700, G900, K310i, K310c, K310a (DB2012 only), K510i, K510c, K510a (DB2012 only), W300i, W300c, W300a (DB2012 only), W810i, W810c (DB2012 only), Z530i, Z530c (DB2012 only), Z780, W980, C702, C902, G502, Z770,
Locosto Flasher
Cruiser Suite SE Locosto Flasher is an application for flashing Sony Ericsson phones based on Locosto platform. Every owner of Cruiser Suite Dongle or Box can use it for free & without connection to internet.

Supported phones:
T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, T280, R300, R306
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Changing Language
No connection to internet needed, also no Cruiser Logs are needed.
All you need is to download proper flash files from one of our support areas, plug the cable to phone and work. Locosto Flasher supports only connection via serial cable because Locosto platform based phones don't support USB connection. For more information please read the Documentation PDF which appears after installation.
A2 Flasher
Sony Ericsson A2 Flasher allows you to flash your Sony Ericsson A2 (DB3150) based phone. Every owner of Cruiser Suite Dongle or Box can use it for free & without connection to internet.
Supported phones:
C702, C902, K630i, K660i, K850i, K858c, G502, V640i, W760i, W760c, W890i, W910i, W910c,, W980, > Z750i, Z750a, Z770, Z780
Supported Features
- Flashing

Calypso Flasher
Cruiser Suite SE Calypso Flasher is an application for flashing Sony Ericsson phones based on Calypso platform. Currently supported phones: K200i, K220i, J120. Every owner of Cruiser+ card (CardID ending by "-07") can use Calypso Flasher for free, even without connection to internet. No CruiserLog is needed.
With Cruiser Suite SE Calypso Flasher you can flash Sony Ericsson Calypso plattform based phones. Currently supported phones: K200i, K220i, J120.
Every owner of Cruiser Suite Smart Card can use Calypso Flasher for free, even without connection to internet. No Cruiser Logs needed. All you need is to download proper flash files from one of our support areas, plug the cable to phone and work.
Calypso Flasher supports only connection via serial cable. We recommend to use standard Cruiser Suite serial cable, with the "flash voltage" pin disconnected. For more information please read the Documentation PDF which appears after installation.
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Changing Language
- Unlocking Unlocking

PDA Flasher
Cruiser Suite SE PDA Flasher is flexible tool which allows you to flash your Sony Ericsson PDA phone. Cruiser Suite PDA Flasher is a standalone application, so once you have flash file for your PDA in your PC, you can update the firmware or customize it without internet connection and for free (no credits needed).
Cruiser Suite PDA Flasher v1.08 release notes:
* Added support for flashing and customizing of all Sony Ericsson G700, G900 mobile phones
* Fixed bug - M600 blinking screen
* Graphic User Interface updated
Supported Features
- Flashing
Supported phones:
G700, G900, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960

PDA CDA Changer
Cruiser Suite PDA CDA Changer is flexible tool which allows you to change language on your Sony Ericsson PDA phone to any possible and then upgrade your firmware to the latest released by vendor.
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Changing Language
Supported phones:
P1, P900, P907, P908, P990, M600i, M600c, M608c, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960

CS Ultimate Unlocker
Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker offers much faster and cheaper full direct unlock and relock of all existing A2, DB2020 & DB2012 Sony Ericsson mobile phones
Short unlock time - typically 2 unlocks per minute
Instant unlock - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
No modem drivers installation required anymore
World first features:
New revolutionary security bypass technique
Non-TP full security zone repair
Non-TP full EROM/SEMCBOOT repair
Unlocking via codes of all existing A2, DB2020 & DB2012 phones even for the latest CIDs
Addidtional features:
CID change (downgrade/upgrade)
supports USB DCU-60 and original Fighter/UC10/UC20 boxes + many their clones
PROMOTION - Until 7th October 2008 for free: Full direct unlocking of all supported phones!
Any qty for all registered customers with non-zero Supreme Credit account! Buy Supreme Credits here
PDA Unlocker
Cruiser Suite SE PDA Unlocker is a tool which allows you to unlock all versions of Sony Ericsson CID49 PDA phones (M600, P990, W950).
PDA Unlocker disables the unlock code verification, so after processing you just power on the phone, enter the lock-menu by down,*,*,down and enter any 8-digit code. Operation requires 2 Cruiser Logs because 2 EMMA signatures are needed. All you need is to have an account with at least 2 Cruiser Logs, plug the cable to phone and work.
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Unlocking
Supported phones:
M600i, M600c, M608c, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c

PNX Unlocker
Cruiser Suite SE PNX5230 CID51 Unlocker is flexible tool which allows you to unlock your Sony Ericsson PNX5230 based phone (Z310).
Operation requires 1 Cruiser Log because CSCA signature is needed. All you need is to download proper flash files from one of our support areas, have an account with at least 1 Cruiser Log, plug the cable to phone and work.
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Unlocking
Supported phones:
Z310i, Z310c, Z310a

TestPoint Unlocker
Cruiser Suite SE TestPoint Unlocker is an application for unlocking Sony Ericsson phones. Currently supports only an Unlock-by-Patch, so the phone must be previously flashed with the desired firmware. Currently supported platforms: DB2012.
Our TestPoint solution is free for all Cruiser Suite Smart Card owners and it requires Cruiser Suite TestPoint Box (UC-20) - you can buy both in our shop.
Read how to unlock DB2012 - CID52 based phone with TestPoint Unlocker in this article here.
Supported Features
- Unlocking
Supported phones:
W810i, W810c, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a

TestPoint Full Unlocker
Cruiser Suite SE TestPoint Full Unlocker is an application for full and permanent unlocking of Sony Ericsson phones. TestPoint (TP) Full Unlocker can also fully repair a damaged security zone. The phone must be previously flashed with a correct firmware.
For work you need Cruiser Suite TestPoint Box (UC-20) and Cruiser Suite Dongle. You can buy both from us.
Simple to use & failsafe
Supports full unlock of all DB2020 plattform based Sony Ericsson phones (all current DB2020 CIDs)
Supports full unlock of DB2012 plattform based phones, CID 50, 51, 52, 53; by one (single) TP
Supports full unlock and repair of specific DB2010 K310, K510, W300, W810, Z530. Specific means DB2010 / CID 49, with DB2012 chip on the PCB- those models that were not previously supported by Cruiser+
added full GDFS reconstruction feature
supports same file format as SE GDFS Backuper & Restorer
minor changes to EROM repair functionality
Recovery mode feature for all supported phone models (for failed EROM write) - by using testpoint stage 2
This software is for all users who can disassemble the phone - also for inexperienced ones. (For disassembling phones, we recommend to read proper Sony Ericsson service manuals.)Unlocking via TP Full Unlocker does not destroy phone calibration data (so typical for SadTool ... )
For the phone safety, TestPointing requires Cruiser Suite TP Box (UC-20).
Unlike other amateur solutions which use external battery connection to the TP, our software uses specially designed Cruiser Suite TestPoint Box (UC-20) which can handle different bus voltages and prevents any potential flash chip damage.
TP is done in two stages. Once you complete TP stage 1 you don't need to repeat it anymore. Phone is then bootable via the 2nd testpoint anytime.
PDF manual is available after installation as usual in Documents folder
IMPORTANT: All other TestPoint solutions force the phone address bus pins to 3.3V which is exceeding its maximal allowed voltage almost twice. Only Cruiser Suite TestPoint Box (UC-20) cable was designed to prevent this and avoid likely flash chip damage. UC-20 TestPoint Box is a current limited variable voltage power supply with connection sensing feature.

Supported Features
- Unlocking
- Repairing
Supported phones:
K310i, K310c, K310a, K530i, K530c, K510i, K510c, K510a, K550i, K550c, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K770i, K770c, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W300i, W300c, W300a, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, Z530i, Z530c
Full Unlocker
Cruiser Suite SE Full Unlocker in an application for full and permanent unlocking of almost all Sony Ericsson phones. Cruiser Suite SE Full Unlocker can also fully repair a damaged security zone. The phone must be previously flashed with a correct firmware.
All needed is Cruiser Suite Dongle, 1 Supreme Credit / 1 unlocked phone and USB-cable.
Currently supported platforms:
- DB3150 (A2)
- DB2020
- PNX5230
- DB2012 (new)
- DB2012 (old)
- DB2001-PDA
- DB2000-PDA
All CIDs are supported
Supported Features
- Unlocking
- Repairing
Supported phones:
C702, C902, G502, G700, G900, J120i, J200i, J200c, J210i, J210c, J220i, J220c, J220a, J230i, J230c, J230a, K200i, K220i, K310i, K310c, K310a (DB2012 only), K510i, K510c, K510a (DB2012 only), K530i, K530c, K550i, K550c, K600i,c, K608i, V600i, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K630i, K660i, K700i, K700c, K750i, K750c, D750i, K758c, K770i, K770c, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, K850i, K858c, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P900, P907, P908, P910, P910i, P990, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, V640i, V800, V802SE, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a (DB2012 only), W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W760i, W760c, W810i, W810c (DB2012 only), W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, W890i, W900i, W900c, W910i, W910c, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960, W980, Z200, Z208, Z300i, Z300c, Z300a, Z310i, Z310c, Z310a, Z500i, Z500c, Z500a, Z530i, Z530c (DB2012 only), Z600, Z608, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, Z750i, Z750a, Z770, Z780, Z800i, Z800c

A1 Java Unlocker
With our Cruiser Suite A1 Java Unlocker you can unlock DB2020, DB2012 and PNX5230 platform based phones simply, without internet connection and of course you don't need any logs. All you need is the original SIM card for which is the phone locked, or test SIM card. A1 Java Unlocker can easily repair the phone previously broken by patch via SETool.
Our new A1 Fast Java Unlocker now offers you this special advantages: Whole unlock procedure (incl. upload) takes approx. 1 – 1.5 minute
Quick unlock by fw-patch, without a need of flashing
Patcher upload takes usually 30 sec.
For non-prepared firmwares there is a possibility to make unlock within two phases

Supported Features
- Unlocking
- Repairing
Supported phones:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c, K550i, K550c, K610i, K610a, K610c, K770i, K770c, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W200i, W200c, W200a, W350, W380, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, Z555, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c
GDFS Backuper & Restorer
Cruiser Suite GDFS Backuper & Restorer allows you to repair all non-security zone GDFS related problems. You can do the GDFS backup and restore of any DB2012 & DB2020 phone. GDFS Backup & Restore between different phones of the same type is also possible.
The main purpose of this application is:
to create Backup of the phone state and possible Restore of the phone to this state anytime in the future.
to repair damaged GDFS by copying GDFS content from working phone to damaged phone of the same type (GDFS repair).

Supported Features
- Repairing
Supported phones:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c, K550i, K550c, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K770i, K770c, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c
Besides there are old phones supported:
LG 3G - U8100, U8110, U8120, U8130, U8138, U8180, U8330, U8360, U8380, U8550.
Sharp 3G - V703SH, V801SH, V802SH, V902SH, V903SH, V550SH, V770SH, V804SH, GX-40, TQ-G400, TQ-G450,
Siemens - Supported C62 / C62c firmware versions are v25, v26, v27 and v28 (Only Unlock)
Ericsson OLD Models: A1018s, A1018sc, A1028s, A1028sc, A2618s, A2618sc, A2628s, A2628sc, A2638sc, A2668sc, A3618s, A3618sc, CA638, GA318, GA388, GA628, GF388, GF768, GF768c, GF788, GF788c, GF788e, GH388, GH398, GH688, GM518, GM618, GM718, I888 World, PA388, PF768, PH388, R190 setellite, R290 setellite, R250sPro, R310s, R310sc, R320s, R320sc, R320s TITAN, R380PDA, R380s, R380sc, R380e, R380World, R520m, R520mc, R600, R602, S868, SH888, T10s, T10sc, T18s, T18sc, T20s, T20sc, T20e, T20ec, T28s, T28sc, T28World, T28z, T29s, T29sc, T39m, T39mc, T62u, T65s, T66, T66c, T68i, T68ie, T68m, T68mc, T100, T102, T105, T106, T200, T202, T226, T226s, T230, T237, T238, T290i, T290c, T290a, T300, T302, T306, T310, T310c, T312, T316, T600, T602, TH688.
Present GENERAL features:
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sell this device.
Cruiser Suite package offers a huge collection of flexible components:
Below you can find description and features of all above applications which work with Cruiser Plus dongle.
Cruiser+ is the first standalone software for unlocking, changing language, changing customizations and repairing of new Sony Ericsson phones. Internet connection is required no more! Besides, Cruiser+ includes complete Fighter functionality.


Supported features:
- Flashing:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c , K510i, K510c, K510a, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W580i, W580c, W600i, W600c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, W900i, W900c, Z310i, Z310c, Z310a, Z558i, Z558c, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, K630i, K660i, K850i, K858c, V640i, W760i, W760c, W890i, W910i, W910c, Z750i, Z750a, K200i, K220i, J120i, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960, J300i, J300c, J300a, K750i, K750c, D750i, K758c, K600i,c, K608i, V600i, K500i,c, K506c, K508i,c, F500i, Z800i, Z800c, Z550i, Z550c, Z550a, Z500i, Z500c, Z500a, Z520i, Z520c, Z520a, Z530i, Z530c, Z525a, K300i, K300c, K300a, K310i, K310c, K310a, K550i, K550c, K700i, K700c, K770i, K770c, Z300i, Z300c, Z300a, W700i, W700c, W700a, W800i, W800c, W550i, W550c, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a, P900, P907, P908, Z200, Z208, S700i, S700c, S710a, V800, V802SE, P910, P910i, Z600, Z608, J200i, J200c, J210i, J210c, J220i, J220c, J220a,, J230i, J230c, J230a, G700, G900,
- Unlocking:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c , K510i, K510c, K510a, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, W900i, W900c, Z310i, Z310c, Z310a, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, K630i, K660i, K850i, K858c, V640i, W760i, W760c, W890i, W910i, W910c, Z750i, Z750a, K200i, K220i, J120i, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960, K600i,c, K608i, V600i, Z800i, Z800c, Z500i, Z500c, Z500a, Z530i, Z530c, K310i, K310c, K310a, K550i, K550c, K770i, K770c, Z300i, Z300c, Z300a, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a, P900, P907, P908, Z200, Z208, V800, V802SE, P910, P910i, Z600, Z608, J200i, J200c, J210i, J210c, J220i, J220c, J220a,, J230i, J230c, J230a, W350, W380, Z555, G700, G900, K310i, K310c, K310a (DB2012 only), K510i, K510c, K510a (DB2012 only), W300i, W300c, W300a (DB2012 only), W810i, W810c (DB2012 only), Z530i, Z530c (DB2012 only), Z780, W980, C702, C902, G502, Z770,
- Changing Language:
T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, K200i, K220i, J120i, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960,
- Reparing:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c , K510i, K510c, K510a, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, W900i, W900c, Z310i, Z310c, Z310a, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, K630i, K660i, K850i, K858c, V640i, W760i, W760c, W890i, W910i, W910c, Z750i, Z750a, K200i, K220i, J120i, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960, K750i, K750c, D750i, K758c, K600i,c, K608i, V600i, Z800i, Z800c, Z500i, Z500c, Z500a, Z530i, Z530c, K310i, K310c, K310a, K550i, K550c, K700i, K700c, K770i, K770c, Z300i, Z300c, Z300a, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a, P900, P907, P908, Z200, Z208, V800, V802SE, P910, P910i, Z600, Z608, J200i, J200c, J210i, J210c, J220i, J220c, J220a,, J230i, J230c, J230a, W350, W380, Z555, G700, G900, K310i, K310c, K310a (DB2012 only), K510i, K510c, K510a (DB2012 only), W300i, W300c, W300a (DB2012 only), W810i, W810c (DB2012 only), Z530i, Z530c (DB2012 only), Z780, W980, C702, C902, G502, Z770,
Cruiser Suite SE Locosto Flasher is an application for flashing Sony Ericsson phones based on Locosto platform. Every owner of Cruiser Suite Dongle or Box can use it for free & without connection to internet.

Supported phones:
T250i, T250a, Z250i, Z250a, Z250c, Z320i, Z320a, Z320c, T280, R300, R306
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Changing Language
No connection to internet needed, also no Cruiser Logs are needed.
All you need is to download proper flash files from one of our support areas, plug the cable to phone and work. Locosto Flasher supports only connection via serial cable because Locosto platform based phones don't support USB connection. For more information please read the Documentation PDF which appears after installation.
Sony Ericsson A2 Flasher allows you to flash your Sony Ericsson A2 (DB3150) based phone. Every owner of Cruiser Suite Dongle or Box can use it for free & without connection to internet.
Supported phones:
C702, C902, K630i, K660i, K850i, K858c, G502, V640i, W760i, W760c, W890i, W910i, W910c,, W980, > Z750i, Z750a, Z770, Z780
Supported Features
- Flashing

Cruiser Suite SE Calypso Flasher is an application for flashing Sony Ericsson phones based on Calypso platform. Currently supported phones: K200i, K220i, J120. Every owner of Cruiser+ card (CardID ending by "-07") can use Calypso Flasher for free, even without connection to internet. No CruiserLog is needed.
With Cruiser Suite SE Calypso Flasher you can flash Sony Ericsson Calypso plattform based phones. Currently supported phones: K200i, K220i, J120.
Every owner of Cruiser Suite Smart Card can use Calypso Flasher for free, even without connection to internet. No Cruiser Logs needed. All you need is to download proper flash files from one of our support areas, plug the cable to phone and work.
Calypso Flasher supports only connection via serial cable. We recommend to use standard Cruiser Suite serial cable, with the "flash voltage" pin disconnected. For more information please read the Documentation PDF which appears after installation.
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Changing Language
- Unlocking Unlocking

Cruiser Suite SE PDA Flasher is flexible tool which allows you to flash your Sony Ericsson PDA phone. Cruiser Suite PDA Flasher is a standalone application, so once you have flash file for your PDA in your PC, you can update the firmware or customize it without internet connection and for free (no credits needed).
Cruiser Suite PDA Flasher v1.08 release notes:
* Added support for flashing and customizing of all Sony Ericsson G700, G900 mobile phones
* Fixed bug - M600 blinking screen
* Graphic User Interface updated
Supported Features
- Flashing
Supported phones:
G700, G900, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960

Cruiser Suite PDA CDA Changer is flexible tool which allows you to change language on your Sony Ericsson PDA phone to any possible and then upgrade your firmware to the latest released by vendor.
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Changing Language
Supported phones:
P1, P900, P907, P908, P990, M600i, M600c, M608c, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960

Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker offers much faster and cheaper full direct unlock and relock of all existing A2, DB2020 & DB2012 Sony Ericsson mobile phones
World first features:
Addidtional features:
PROMOTION - Until 7th October 2008 for free:
Cruiser Suite SE PDA Unlocker is a tool which allows you to unlock all versions of Sony Ericsson CID49 PDA phones (M600, P990, W950).
PDA Unlocker disables the unlock code verification, so after processing you just power on the phone, enter the lock-menu by down,*,*,down and enter any 8-digit code. Operation requires 2 Cruiser Logs because 2 EMMA signatures are needed. All you need is to have an account with at least 2 Cruiser Logs, plug the cable to phone and work.
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Unlocking
Supported phones:
M600i, M600c, M608c, P990, W950i, W950c, W958c

Cruiser Suite SE PNX5230 CID51 Unlocker is flexible tool which allows you to unlock your Sony Ericsson PNX5230 based phone (Z310).
Operation requires 1 Cruiser Log because CSCA signature is needed. All you need is to download proper flash files from one of our support areas, have an account with at least 1 Cruiser Log, plug the cable to phone and work.
Supported Features
- Flashing
- Unlocking
Supported phones:
Z310i, Z310c, Z310a

Cruiser Suite SE TestPoint Unlocker is an application for unlocking Sony Ericsson phones. Currently supports only an Unlock-by-Patch, so the phone must be previously flashed with the desired firmware. Currently supported platforms: DB2012.
Our TestPoint solution is free for all Cruiser Suite Smart Card owners and it requires Cruiser Suite TestPoint Box (UC-20) - you can buy both in our shop.
Read how to unlock DB2012 - CID52 based phone with TestPoint Unlocker in this article here.
Supported Features
- Unlocking
Supported phones:
W810i, W810c, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a

Cruiser Suite SE TestPoint Full Unlocker is an application for full and permanent unlocking of Sony Ericsson phones. TestPoint (TP) Full Unlocker can also fully repair a damaged security zone. The phone must be previously flashed with a correct firmware.
For work you need Cruiser Suite TestPoint Box (UC-20) and Cruiser Suite Dongle. You can buy both from us.
Simple to use & failsafe
This software is for all users who can disassemble the phone - also for inexperienced ones. (For disassembling phones, we recommend to read proper Sony Ericsson service manuals.)
IMPORTANT: All other TestPoint solutions force the phone address bus pins to 3.3V which is exceeding its maximal allowed voltage almost twice. Only Cruiser Suite TestPoint Box (UC-20) cable was designed to prevent this and avoid likely flash chip damage. UC-20 TestPoint Box is a current limited variable voltage power supply with connection sensing feature.

Supported Features
- Unlocking
- Repairing
Supported phones:
K310i, K310c, K310a, K530i, K530c, K510i, K510c, K510a, K550i, K550c, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K770i, K770c, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W300i, W300c, W300a, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, Z530i, Z530c
Cruiser Suite SE Full Unlocker in an application for full and permanent unlocking of almost all Sony Ericsson phones. Cruiser Suite SE Full Unlocker can also fully repair a damaged security zone. The phone must be previously flashed with a correct firmware.
All needed is Cruiser Suite Dongle, 1 Supreme Credit / 1 unlocked phone and USB-cable.
Currently supported platforms:
- DB3150 (A2)
- DB2020
- PNX5230
- DB2012 (new)
- DB2012 (old)
- DB2001-PDA
- DB2000-PDA
All CIDs are supported
Supported Features
- Unlocking
- Repairing
Supported phones:
C702, C902, G502, G700, G900, J120i, J200i, J200c, J210i, J210c, J220i, J220c, J220a, J230i, J230c, J230a, K200i, K220i, K310i, K310c, K310a (DB2012 only), K510i, K510c, K510a (DB2012 only), K530i, K530c, K550i, K550c, K600i,c, K608i, V600i, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K630i, K660i, K700i, K700c, K750i, K750c, D750i, K758c, K770i, K770c, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, K850i, K858c, M600i, M600c, M608c, P1, P900, P907, P908, P910, P910i, P990, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, V640i, V800, V802SE, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a (DB2012 only), W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W760i, W760c, W810i, W810c (DB2012 only), W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, W890i, W900i, W900c, W910i, W910c, W950i, W950c, W958c, W960, W980, Z200, Z208, Z300i, Z300c, Z300a, Z310i, Z310c, Z310a, Z500i, Z500c, Z500a, Z530i, Z530c (DB2012 only), Z600, Z608, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c, Z750i, Z750a, Z770, Z780, Z800i, Z800c

With our Cruiser Suite A1 Java Unlocker you can unlock DB2020, DB2012 and PNX5230 platform based phones simply, without internet connection and of course you don't need any logs. All you need is the original SIM card for which is the phone locked, or test SIM card. A1 Java Unlocker can easily repair the phone previously broken by patch via SETool.
Our new A1 Fast Java Unlocker now offers you this special advantages:

Supported Features
- Unlocking
- Repairing
Supported phones:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c, K550i, K550c, K610i, K610a, K610c, K770i, K770c, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W200i, W200c, W200a, W350, W380, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, Z555, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c
Cruiser Suite GDFS Backuper & Restorer allows you to repair all non-security zone GDFS related problems. You can do the GDFS backup and restore of any DB2012 & DB2020 phone. GDFS Backup & Restore between different phones of the same type is also possible.
The main purpose of this application is:

Supported Features
- Repairing
Supported phones:
K320i, K320a, K320c, K530i, K530c, K550i, K550c, K610i, K610a, K610c, K618i, K618a, K770i, K770c, K790i, K790c, K790a, K800i, K800c, K810i, K818c, S500i, S500c, T650i, T650c, V630i, W200i, W200c, W200a, W300i, W300c, W300a, W580i, W580c, W610i, W610c, W660i, W660c, W710i, W710c, W810i, W810c, W830i, W830c, W850, W880i, W880c, W888c, Z610i, Z610c, Z710i, Z710c
Besides there are old phones supported:
Present GENERAL features:
- Support for PERMANENT unlock of CID49 Sony Ericsson PDA phones.
- Unlock of K2xx phones
- Cruiser Suite All-In-One installer with all components and documentation PDFs
- Flashing of Locosto platform based phones (T250, Z250, Z320, ...)
- Flashing and Unlocking of Calypso platform based phones (J120, K200, K220 ...)
- Unlocking PNX5230 CID51 based phones supported (Z310, ...)
- Flashing of ALL A2 (DB3150) SEMC based phones supported (K630, K850, V640, W910, Z750, ...)
- Flashing support for ALL SEMC based PDA phones (M600, P1, P990, W950, W960, ...)
- Released PDA phones CDA / Language Pack changer
- Free standalone flashing, customizing and unlocking of all DB2020 CID49/51/52 phones.
- Parallel flashing of up to 16 phones. Speed up to 140MBytes per 2 minutes.
- Unlock, flash and repair K310, K510, W300, W550, W600, W700, W810, Z525, Z530 and Z550 phones.
- Flash and repair W200 phones.
- The first software supporting fast direct unlocking Sharp V703SH and Sharp V903SH phones.
- The first software for unlocking Sharp V801SH, Sharp V802SH and V902SH phones.
- The first software that could unlock red CID36/37 phones.
- The first software that could unlock red CID49 phones without TP.
- Full support for flashing CID50, CID51 and CID52 phones without TP.
- Full support for unlocking LG U8180, U8330, U8360 and U8380 phones without testpoint.
- The first software that could unlock DB2020 phones (by emptyboards).
- Unlock J210, J220, J230 and Z300.
- Full support for red/brown CID49 phones, without testpoint
- Full support for red/brown CID36/37 phones, without testpoint!
- Can change flash certificates (CID/color) without testpoint.
- Possibility to operate with up to 16 phones in parallel using cheap Fighter USB cables.
- Possibility to operate via the original DSS-20 and DSS-25 synchronization cradles.
- Unlock SIM-locks. Can also read codes (supports also 16-digit long codes).
- Unlock userlock. Can also read userlock code.
- Relock SIM-lock to a specific net (handy for LG phones). MNC of 3 digits is supported too.
- Full security zone rebuild (unlock 4 locks closed) in R520/T39/T65 too.
- Change languagepack and software customization (also without losing user data).
- Contains an easy-to-use CDA tool. This allows to use the original Sony Ericsson Upgrade Service.
- Upgrade phone firmware.
- Upload signed file archives (SFA).
- Downgrade LG filesystem to allow unlocking.
- Convert K750 to W800, D750 to K750, V800 to Z800, F500 to K500, ...
- Convert P900 to P910, T66 to T600, R380s to R380e, ...
- W550/W600/V800/Z800/D750/K750/W800/K600/V600 EROM repair.
- Changing bandlock setting (to enable 1800MHz in some Z1010 phones).
- Changing color of RSA certificate - to force developer units (brown) to accept retail (red) firmware.
- Full support for cross-CID flashing. It is possible to flash CID16/17/29/36/37 phones by any-CID flashes.
- Automatic memory configuration analysis to prevent accidental GDFS damage - unlike other tools.
- Write almost any combination of languages.
- Write almost any combination of T9 dictionaries.
- Download languages and T9 dictionaries from the phone.
- Download files from the phone.
- Upload user files to the phone (audio, video, themes, etc.)
- Upload any file to any position in the directory structure - for advanced users.
- Repair dead, blinking and contact-operator phones.
- Repairing phones with completely destroyed security zone in case you have no backup.
- Emptyboard programming (IMEI filling, OTP area programming, RSA certificate upload...)
- Turn camera shutter sound on/off.
- Backup security zone.
- Restore security zone.
- Recalculate all security zone CRCs.
- Change phone type descriptor.
- Reset air time, reset total call time, reset life time.
- Reset joystick counter.
- Enable/disable channel info, battery info, SIM toolkit support, SMS capability.
- Backup/restore/copy GDFS calibration zones.
- COMPLETE FIGHTER AND CRUISER FUNCTIONALITY INCLUDED! (i.e. all previous phones are supported)
Set includes:
- protection card without reader
- access to producer's support
- warranty
unlock, db2020, cruiser
We offer discounts for high quantity/value orders. Please contact us if you are interested in wholesale purchase.
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