Infinity Box Dongle
Infinity-Box Dongle is World-famous "Chinese Miracle" software for MTK / MediaTek, etc. and "Chinese Miracle-2" software for MTK / MediaTek, SPD / Spreadtrum, RDA / Coolsand, etc. with access to support area (software, flash files, drivers, manuals, updates, bug-fixes, etc.)
Well known GSM and CDMA brands / models supported
"Chinese Miracle" MTK based brands / models...
99.71 USD

UMT Dongle
Flashing Sim Lock Remove Repair BT IMEI Repair (Please follow your country rules before using this option) Wipe Phones Remove Google Account Smart Card Protected Supports Windows XP, Win Vista, Win 7, Win 8.0, Win 8.1, Win 10
Ultimate Multi Tool Box – CDMA
– C131 – One Click Unlock, Flash (Normal/Emergency)
– OT-255c – One Click Unlock, Flash (Normal/Emergency)
– OT-616c – Flash, MEID Repair, Read / Write Contacts, Read / Write Messages,...
99.71 USD

BST Dongle (Best Smart Tools)
Best Smart Tools (BST) is a very professional phone software servicing device. Supported Flash, Unlock, Remove Screen Lock, Repair IMEI, NVM/EFS, Root etc for HTC, Samsung, Xiaomi Android Smartphones.
Outstanding Features:
World’s first, Support Samsung remove screen lock w/o usb debugging, w/o root, don’t lost userdata.
World’s first, Support HTC remove screen lock without usb debugging, don’t lost userdata.
World’s first, Support Xiaomi remove screen lock w/o usb...
142.57 USD

AsanSam Dongle
AsanSam Dongle is an ultimate phone flashing and mobile unlocking service solution for Qualcomm, Broadcom, Bada, DualSIM, Android, Infineon, Smart Phone, Swift and Trident based phones.
85.43 USD

Sigma Box with cables set
SigmaBox is a brand new phone flashing and mobile unlocking tool that allows you to service the latest MTK, TI OMAP, Broadcom and Qualcomm based phones.
MTK Features:
Read Codes/Unlock:
Direct Unlock for Alcatel, Motorola, ZTE and other MTK brands and Huawei with old and new security types
There is no need to select model from the list
Standalone solution, doesn't need any server codes or credits
All firmware versions and...
242.57 USD

GBKey (with PACK1 activation)
GBKey (with PACK1 activation) using this key You can unlock more than 500 phone models. Huawei, Huawei Modem, Blackberry, Alcatel MTK, Alcatel U7, Modem Alcatel, LG, Samsung Swift, Samsung, 3G, ZTE Qcom-Android, ZTE ICC. Unlocking via direct unlock, read unlock codes or calculation based on IMEI.
Supported models:
Ascend G300 (U8815)
Honor (U8860)
1 Click Direct Unlock with USB Cable
142.57 USD

General Features & info:
* Standalone , No Server, No internet.
* Multi Falshing
* Direct Unlock.
* Unlocking Codes Reader
* Standalone calculator.
* Windows 7, Vista & XP Compatible.
* Unlimited unlocking.
* USB Dongle protected *
Supported Models & Features:
Alcatel MTK Features:
1. Standalone Unlock Code Calculation via IMEI and PID.
2. Safe Read Unlock Codes.
3. Safe Flashing and...
145.43 USD

NCK Dongle with activation (ACT1)
NCK Dongle with activation (ACT1) unlimited phone flashing, mobile unlocking and code calculation (Standalone! No server required!) tool for MTK cell phones.
NCK Dongle Outstanding Features:
- Unlimited Unlock operations
- Read BlackBerry Unlock Codes
- Calculate BlackBerry 5 Level Codes via IMEI & MEP
- Calculate BlackBerry 5 Level Codes via IMEI & PRD
- Read Codes for HTC (Omap & Qualcomm)
- Read/Write MTK Flash
- Write...
56.86 USD

Miracle GSM Cocktail Dongle
Miracle GSM Cocktail Dongle is a multifunctional tool for LG, HTC, Android and BlackBerry phones' unlocking, flashing and software repair.
HTC Android Tool
Miracle GSM Cocktail HTC Android Tool picture 01
Miracle GSM Cocktail HTC Android Tool picture 02
Miracle GSM Cocktail HTC Android Tool picture 03
Miracle GSM Cocktail HTC Android Tool picture 04
Miracle GSM Cocktail HTC Android Tool picture...
96.86 USD

PBTOOL - PB Tool for Smart Phone
PB Tool For Smart Phone (phone blank tool) is a new dongle protected software for working with smart phones. The first launce is Blackberry Tool, which boasts some pretty impressive service and repair features. More future updates are promised too for other smart phones including Android and Apple...
85.43 USD

zz-Key is the new Professional Nokia PowerFull Dongle that Support SL1,Sl2 and the Most New Nokia SL3/Infineon phones for unlock and repair, in one very fast way. The soft automaticly select autogeneration/models, for unlock or repair you only need do one click. Include Blackberry Module that supports the latest BlacKberrys on the market via full MEP and PRD. It also has a good multibrand Module too, starting with Alcatel, Coral, Motorola WX, Orange, TCL, TMN, Vodafone, ZTE and the best...
99.71 USD

GPGWorkshop Dongle
GPGWorkshop Dongle it's hardware key for biggest datbase for schmatics, service manuals, pinouts, hints for repair not only GSM but also Laptops, monitors, TV, camera videos. If you ever tried to search needed data you know how much time it takes - with this dongle searchign over trademark and model take only few seconds. So if you are makign electronic repairs in your center it's must dongle at your store.
- fast searching for desired producer and model
42.57 USD

Easy Unlocker EU Box
Easy Unlocker Box is a new Tool for easy and fast unlock the following brands: Alcatel, Grundig and Vitel TSM. Nowadays the Easy Unlocker Box is the most safety software and updated for every operation.
342.57 USD

Universal Mega-Box - without cables PROMOTION
Supported unlock in Nokia BB5 phones by FBUS cable:
It unlocks 99% of BB5 phones BB5 (all known SW versions on 11/2008) except BB5+
Rap3Gv3 models:
3109c (RM-274), 3110c (RM-237), 3250 (RM-38), 3500c (RM-272), 3500cb (RM-273), 5200 (RM-174), 5200b (RM-181), 5300 (RM-146), 5300b (RM-147), 5500 (RM-86), 6085 (RM-198), 6086 (RM-188), 6086b (RM-260), 6125 (RM-178), 6126/6133 (RM-126), 6131 (RM-115), 6131 NFC (RM-216), 6136...
171.14 USD

WGSM - service point maintenance application
Application for Polish speaking users.
8.00 USD

Universal Mega-Box - 252 cables PROMOTION
Added FULL unlock Nokia DCT4+ RSA (internet connection required)
- NOKIA 1110i RH-93
- NOKIA 1112b RH-92
- NOKIA 1200 RH-99
- NOKIA 1200 RH-100
- NOKIA 1202 RH-112
- NOKIA 1208 RH-105
- NOKIA 1208b RH-106
- NOKIA 1209 RH-105
- NOKIA 1600b RH-66
- NOKIA 1661 RM-305
- NOKIA 1662
- NOKIA 1650 RM-305
- NOKIA 1680 Classic RM-394
- NOKIA 1680 Classic-2b RM-490
- NOKIA 2220 Slide RM-590
- NOKIA 2310 RM-189
- NOKIA...

Furious Gold Special Bling Bling Edition
FuriousTeam present Furious Gold Special Bling Bling Edition! The furious gold box has been pimp out to fit better your professional needs. New fresh design, inteligent hardware to have faster comunication with your phones. New set has 46 cables which suit all FuriousGold's software. Furious gold is leading the market over a year now, dedicated to bring you the best.
Sony Ericson(40 free credits included)
Module Name:...
271.14 USD

Infinity Box
Infinity Box is the best box at this moment for service Panasonic phone models. Using one button You can unlock or repair Your phone. Also You can rebuild IMEI, change language, software, set default settings or unlock all locks. Infinity-Box is using USB port, so You don't need to use external power. Transmission is via USB, that is why You can using max speed virtual com port. With box You will get special cables set, access to support and update. Now You can unlock all version Panasonic...
285.43 USD

Vygis Activation Lobster Emblaze Phonehous
Vygis activation for Lobster + Emblaze + Phonehous are activation that support Lobster , Emblaze (Sting6 andTelJ6) + Phonehous GR1000 phones. Functions as unlock, flash, read/write eeprom, repair are available - for more detailed information check producer's page
NOTE: This update is done over e-mail - we need SN of your key to perform update
Update from 2006-07-25
New software LOBSTER 544_1_12SC is uploaded in "Lobster" section at...
182.57 USD

Vygis Blue Key cloned
Vygis Blue Key cloned is the set of programs working on one blue hasp key. Using this tool You can repair and service without any problems the following models of mobile phones: Alcatel, LG, BenQ, Mitusbishi, Toshiba, Maxon, O2, Siemens and VK.
Many functions support repairing basic problems and also more sophisticated problems like "SOS call only","Charging impossible" in Alcatel phones or "No SIM".
Very reliable work for basic functions like upgrade/downgrade software, simlock...
56.86 USD