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Language activation in Motorola T191
Language activation in Motorola T191
To activate language in Motorola T191 mobile phone you don't have to use Motorola Roemmi 2.0. You will just need simple data cable which is also available in our shop. Here you can see how to go through process and download all necessary files. We hope that description below will be useful for you.You will need:
Software for download:
Motorola T191 Test Mode
Motorola DM Tool v3.10
Please check if battery is full and remove SIM card from the phone.
Connect cable and power on the phone. Next open Test Mode program and select Test Mode option.
Application should display the message 'ok ---- test mode entered' after entering the test mode.

Now display on the phone should turn off. You can close program and open DM Tool - run it only by T191.exe !
In application select menu File/Set DataBase File

Next choose MH1119.bin file

Then select menu View and Flex Option.

You will see additional options. We will focus on MMI Language Support submenu

Please click on + near MMI Language Support to see full menu.
On the right please choose 'Read Flex Options'. Program will read information about activated languages. When this operation is completed you will see message on the screen.

Now we choose desired languages which should be activated. Then we press 'Write Flex Options'.
All language settings will be saved and our phone will power on.

Please enter *#00CODE# from phone's keyboard and press 'green phone' button (call) where CODE is phone country code. For exmaple to activate:
- Polish we press *#0048#
- French we press *#0031#
- Spanish we press *#0034#
You should remember to select desired language in menu MMI Language Support of DM Tool program.
To bypass phone code:
- 1st possibility
When phone asks for phone code, please enter *#311# and press 'green phone' button. Then we enter 1234 (default phone code).
- 2nd possibility
Open Test Moden and press Reset button.
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