Adaptor ATF V2 4in1 JTAG / EMMC / ISP / MMC Card
Adapter EMMC ATF V2 4in1 is adapter allows you to use special functions with your ATF Box, ATF Lightning or ATF Nitro. Thes features include: JTAG / EMMC / ISP / MMC CARD.
1. JTAG Via Molex
You can use the JTAG function of your ATF Box and this ATF Adapter to unlock Lumia 610 and 510 via easier JTAG molex port.
Connect an FPC ribbon to your adapter, then connect the 610/510 connector to the ribbon and ultimately to the board of the phone...
25.43 USD

Universal Box RX2 Adapter
This adapter is needed for unlocking newer SL3 phones with universal box SL3 Credits.
It gives your F-Bus cable RX2 connectivity, allowing you to log newer Nokia SL3 phones and unlock them via Universal Box.
7.14 USD

MTBox Cyclone Adaptor
This adapter will allow you to connect MT-Box cables with Cyclone box. High quality adapter with PRO cables.

FTDI adapter RJ45 to USB with COM emulation
FTDI adapter RJ45 to USB with COM emulation allows you to connect infinity, unibox RJ45 cables directly to USB with COM port emulation - for service purposes.
14.00 USD

6in1 Universal Adapter Pack
6in1 Universal Adaptor Pack is a universal set of professional adapters/converters which allows to convert signal from one standard to different one. Currently supports: JAF -> Infinity/Vygis, JAF -> Cyclone Box, Infinity/Vygis -> UFC, Mt-BOX -> Cyclone Box, JAF -> MT-BOX, Mt-Box -> JAf Box.
Currenty converts the following standards:
JAF -> Infinity/Vygis
JAF -> Cyclone Box
Infinity/Vygis -> UFC
Mt-BOX -> Cyclone Box
Mt-Box -> JAf Box...
19.71 USD

Adapter 2.0 do MT-Box / Genie Clip
MT-Box / Genie Clip adapter 2.0 is the latest version of adapter for your MT-Box / Genie Clip with high quality PRO cables as well as USB socket to solve problems with Local Mode in few phones.
11.14 USD

Dual Cyclone MTBox Adaptor
This adapter will allow you to connect JAF cables with MTbox or Cyclone box.

NS PRO - UST PRO combo adapter
NS PRO - UST PRO combo adapter will allow you to use Z3X, SPT, Ust pro, Furious Gold cables with NSPro or UFS! The greatest idea is you will be able also to use NSPro cables and UFS cable with your Z3X, SPT, Furious gold, US TPro, Polarbox and all other hardware using universal pintout!
- allows to connect Z3X, SPT, UST PRO 2 cables to NS PRO or UFS/HWK and vice/versa
- allows to connect Furious, Polar, Vygis, Infinity, MICRO-BOX cables to NS PRO or UFS/HWK and...
11.14 USD

TMA Evolution
TMA Evo has now a special Module power that will avoid any power surge and booting phone problems. TMA adapter allows to help customers who have many problems in putting phone into Local mode by existing cables. After connecting through TMA adapter you will be able to put phone into Local mode without any problems instead of normal powering on phone.
Usage: TMA is used for entering phone in Local Mode on factory Fbus cables if they simply power ON phone normaly. Adapter will not...
12.57 USD

Super Adapter with 5.1k (5,1k) resistor
Super Adapter 5.1k Adapter for Nokia service cables which require resistor 5,1K for HWKuFs, UFS3, HWK, Griffin, Tornado, N-Box, Twister, Prodigy, JAF, MT-Box and other boxes.
5.43 USD

Nokia cable converter / adapter - RJ48 to RJ45
Adapter has RJ48 socket (10-pin) and RJ45 (8-pin) plug. You can use it to connect MT BOX / GTI cables to JAF.

Nokia cable converter / adapter - RJ45 to RJ48 for MT-Box Genie Universal
Adapter has RJ45 socket (8-pin) and RJ48 (10-pin) plug. You can use it to connect JAF cables to MT Box / GTi / Genie Universal / UniversalBox.
5.71 USD

UB Cable Adaptor to unlock BB5 phone (Using Rx2 line)
Special adapter for Universalbox dongle
2.86 USD

Super Adapter 7.5k (7,5k)
Super Adapter 7.5k Adapter for Nokia service cables which require resistro 7,5K for HWKuFs, UFS3, HWK, Griffin, Tornado, N-Box, Twister, Prodigy, JAF, MT-Box
5.43 USD

VPP BB5 Adapter
Add-on which allows you to use UFS boxes with HWK and 7-pin cables without external power. It is useful if you want to change firmware in BB5 NOK phones.