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Repair of the damaged software in phones SIEMENS A3x and A40
Repair of the damaged software in phones SIEMENS A3x and A40
Let's begin with the fact that all Siemens phones A35, A36, and A40 are constructed on the same main board, and this means that all above mentioned phones have exactly the same inner structure. There are a few exceptions from that rule, but right now I won't elaborate on this topic. For us the most important is the fact that the main board removed from the phone A40 fits into the A35 and this doesn't influence its work.What we are about to describe is the repair of the software damages of Siemens phone from the "A" series.
Symptoms of the damage
1. The phone has "Wrong Soft." inscribed on the screen. This can mean only one thing, either damaged or completely changed area of EEPROM memory in the phone. This very often happens after too wide flashing with a program "Ziemens x3x series workshop 1.22". If we load our software with this program, we should remember one important rule, never to mark EEPROM square in the lower side of the program window. This should efficiently protect us against unpleasant surprise.
2. The phone can be turned on but it only emits a sound signal and then turns off by itself. A probable cause is a deleted content of the EEPROM memory.
3. The phone cannot be turned on at all. The cause can be the interruption of the process of loading the software to the memory or errors during loading.
All of the symptoms described above can be removed with the method described below.
We will need:
Software for download:
Siemens Ziemens 1.22
Flash do A3X
Map Creator
We connect the phone with the computer with a cable. Then we run Ziemens Workshop 1.22 and set the COM-PORT that we are using. Below we choose the type of the phone "A3X" and the type of the loader 1.05EG or 1.09EG. From my own experience I know that the most frequently used is 1.09EG and there is 90% chance that it will work for us as well. If we choose wrong loader then the program won't work at all with our phone, but there is no danger of any damage to the phone in this case.
After setting all the parameters like on a picture below

We press "Read Info" and the program starts to work and asks us to turn on the phone with

"Power ON the phone" written at the bottom of the window - we press the phone power button and after a while the data is being read in the part of the window marked as INFO.
In the top of the window there is a frame marked as flash Buffer with two icons. We press the folder icon and load the needed file in the bin format.

If the file was loaded correctly then we should have this result

Then we mark all the four fields in the bottom right corner of the window

Together with the EEPROM option as our phone already has its software damaged. In this part we have to recreate it. This is particularly important for the phones with unstable screen or not turning on at all. The phones with "Wrong soft" written on the screen has to be flashed just to make sure that the content of the flash memory is right and doesn't contain any unwanted changes.
We press "Write Flash" and turn on the phone. After a few seconds when the program sends loader the phone will start to flash, this means that the software is being sent to the phone. After a few minutes the programs finishes the work informing us about it with READY in the bottom left corner.
The end of flashing of our phone is a confirmation of terminating the sending of data. We disconnect the cable and turn on the phone. On the screen there should appear "Wrong Soft". So our telephone works and we have now certainty that the content of its memory are right.
Now let's move to the repair of the EEPROM memory as the damage the symptom of which is the message "Wrong Soft" is there.
We run Siemens Logger 4.02 and in the logger part we set the model of the phone.

We press Read phone and turn on the phone. After a while there opens a formula named Pform with two windows full of zeros, in the first window we type old imei and in the second the new one, if it changes at all. If it doesn't we just put the same thing in both. The last digit cannot be typed, it is set automatically. Now we save the file with a name easy to remember. Then we open in notepad the file generated before. After opening we should see the content like this:
LOG File.Version 4.0
This log file should be sent to Max-RFon@Carrier.kiev.ua
[Model: Siemens A35][PhoneID: CC8B3D31][Desired IMEI: 350019-39-591916]
We delete the part saying Version 4.0, otherwise the calculator won't accept it. The final version should look like this:
LOG File.
This log file should be sent to Max-RFon@Carrier.kiev.ua
[Model: Siemens A35][PhoneID: CC8B3D31][Desired IMEI: 350019-39-591916]
We don't change anything except deleting Version 4.0 and we save the changes quitting the notepad.
We run calculator and press "Open log"

The result is as follows:

In the right places we can see the data from our phone. We press "Save MAP" and we save the file. We quit the program.
Then we run logger again. We open the part Write IMEI and press Open MAP

After loading the file the thing looks as on the picture above. Pay attention to leave the "Auto detect" window unmarked and set the model manually before loading.
We press Write IMEI and we turn on the phone. The program starts to send the data. It lasts about 10 seconds.
We disconnect the cable and turn on the phone. That is all.
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