Kabel RJ45 SETool Resurrection SE U20i (X10 Mini Pro)
Cena: 29.00 PLN brutto
Kabel umożliwia naprawę uszkodzonego obszaru security w modelu:
- added altbypass support for xperia arc_s model, in other words, phones with 8255T chipset fully supported.
- added resurrection support for s1 qualcomm-based phones with totally damaged security zone.
resurrection procedure will be described in FAQ later, however, in short it is standard "recovery+write gdfs+unlocking" chain. 7227,8250-based phones require special uart cables ( pinout included in docs ), however it is highly recommended to use special GPG cables 8x55-based phones does not require any special cables.
as side effect, imei repair possible now for s1 qualcomm-based phones. for 7227,8250-based phones need select COM as interface, options are: ( signed mode, altbypass mode, do full unlock, allow to change repair when unlocking, use testpoint (gnd type) ) for 8x50-based phones need select USB as interface, options are: ( signed mode, altbypass mode, do full unlock, allow to repair imei when unlocking )
cost of imei repair 5 credits, please take in mind, that if you repair imei, phone need to be unlocked, so add another 5 credits for unlock procedure.
if you have calculated signature for some imei, then you can save 5 credits for unlocking - added few models to model list, so users don't get confused
- different bugfixes
Wymagany SETool z wersją oprogramowania 1.12.
Ważna informacja:
Do pracy z kablami niezbędny jest box w standardzie unibox, gdyż stare boxy w metalowych obudowach nie czytają kart po aktualizacji do wersji v1.12. i nie posiadają gniazda RJ45 w standardzie unibox.
Zestaw zawiera
1 X Kabel SETool Resurrection do modelu U20i (X10 Mini Pro)
Wersja do druku
Wersja PDF
- Sony Ericsson U20i (X10 Mini Pro)
- added altbypass support for xperia arc_s model, in other words, phones with 8255T chipset fully supported.
- added resurrection support for s1 qualcomm-based phones with totally damaged security zone.
resurrection procedure will be described in FAQ later, however, in short it is standard "recovery+write gdfs+unlocking" chain. 7227,8250-based phones require special uart cables ( pinout included in docs ), however it is highly recommended to use special GPG cables 8x55-based phones does not require any special cables.
as side effect, imei repair possible now for s1 qualcomm-based phones. for 7227,8250-based phones need select COM as interface, options are: ( signed mode, altbypass mode, do full unlock, allow to change repair when unlocking, use testpoint (gnd type) ) for 8x50-based phones need select USB as interface, options are: ( signed mode, altbypass mode, do full unlock, allow to repair imei when unlocking )
cost of imei repair 5 credits, please take in mind, that if you repair imei, phone need to be unlocked, so add another 5 credits for unlock procedure.
if you have calculated signature for some imei, then you can save 5 credits for unlocking - added few models to model list, so users don't get confused
- different bugfixes
Wymagany SETool z wersją oprogramowania 1.12.
Ważna informacja:
Do pracy z kablami niezbędny jest box w standardzie unibox, gdyż stare boxy w metalowych obudowach nie czytają kart po aktualizacji do wersji v1.12. i nie posiadają gniazda RJ45 w standardzie unibox.
Zestaw zawiera
1 X Kabel SETool Resurrection do modelu U20i (X10 Mini Pro)
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