Paraben Deployable P2 Commander (DP2C)

Paraben Deployable P2 Commander (DP2C)

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Deployable P2 Commander (DP2C) is a data triage tool for targeted collection and analysis. This USB based tool can be used by forensic examiners or untrained investigators to collect targeted data from a system in both forensic mode and non-forensic mode. Perform a pre-set data triage and exploitation collection of the low-hanging fruit of electronic evidence or select the types of files you want to acquire. DP2C comes with a license of P2 Commander Companion (P2CC) for comprehensive analysis back in the lab of data collected using DP2C.

Product Overview

DP2C was designed with both seasoned examiners and untrained investigators in mind. If forensic integrity is needed, simply boot into DP2C for a forensic grade, targeted data collection and leave no trace on the target machine. If the machine is already on and you can't power it down, simply plug DP2C in and run the software. No matter how you collect the data, you can perform a comprehensive examination of the collected data using P2CC.

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What is a Forensic Container?

A forensic container is a secure, formatted evidence file that allows examiners to store evidence in a single file that is encrypted and can be shared and accessed using Paraben’s P2 Commander & P2 Commander Companion.


Quick Scan uses registry entries and system files to quickly target the following:


A Custom Scan allows you to target any or all of the following data types:


A license of P2 Commander Companion (P2CC) is provided with each DP2C to review collected data. P2CC is a comprehensive forensic analysis tool based on P2 Commander. P2CC users can load forensic containers as evidence for analysis. P2CC has specialized processing engines that specifically process email archives, chat logs, internet history, and more.


Once you have completed your analysis, you can create simple to comprehensive reports in multiple formats. Your reports can contain all data collected, data you checked to be included in your report, or only data you have book-marked for inclusion in your report. You can even export collected data such as email to different formats for others to easily review.

Product available on special order after payment. Processing time is ca 14 days agreed individualy