LG KG90 KG90c KG98 KG320 KG328 KG800 CHOCOLATE KG810 KU800 MG800c MG810C MG810d MX800 car charger

LG KG90 KG90c KG98 KG320 KG328 KG800 CHOCOLATE KG810 KU800 MG800c MG810C MG810d MX800 car charger

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LG KE260 KE600 KE770 KE800 KE810 KE820 KE830 KE850 Prada KE970 Shine KG77 KG77 KG90 KG90c KG98 KG99 KG195 KG200 KG270 KG300 KG320 KG328 KG330 KG800 CHOCOLATE KG810 KG820 KG830 KG900 KG920 KU250 KU311 KU580 KU800 KU811 KU990 Viewty L600v LX150 MG800 MG800c MG810C MG810d MX800 VX8500 VX8600 VX9900 Car charger for your phone, perfect for keeping your battery topped up whilst in the car, or keeping your phone going during a long journey. Simply fit it into the cigarette lighter port in your car, plug the tangle proof cable into your phone and away you go.

You’ll never run out of power again - great for business trips or long journeys!

Green light indicates readiness for charging. Can be used with 12 VDC or 24 VDC systems. Light weight, small, and unobtrusive.
