Price: 28.29 USD

Reasons why you should purchase this set:
in case your phone firmware is damaged during flash via USB the only option to repair is to use S-FBUS service cable
when new phone model comes on the market you will be able to flash and repair it
You save time, money and free space on your service table. Until now you had to purchase always new cables for bb5 models. Besides it is not easy to find right cable if you have seperate cable for each model.
S-FBUS BB5 cable gives you a possibility to service phone right after it comes on the market
You save money - you do not have to buy new cables for each new model
You save time - you do not have to wait for new cable and then search for right lead
You save space - only 4 cables for almost all BB5 models
Quick servicing of mobile phones
High quality cables and switch for resistor (7,5K) lets you easily enter local mode
It works with boxes: JAF, HWKUFS, UFS3 Tornado +HWK, Universal Box, MT-Box
Below you can see a movie which shows work with universal S-FBUS cable set:
Manual how to connect cables with pictures for many models (over 50 pages)
Login and password available for customers only.
Set is made of plexi glass - please be careful when connect phones.

Set includes:
4 x universal BB5 S-FBUS cable