LIST OF UPDATES:| In update 18.4.4 from 29/09/2014 added: * First IN WORLD SHV-E400S Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD SHV-E400L Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD SHV-E400K Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLDSM-G900MD Flash/Unlock/SuperIMEI * First IN WORLD SM-G900FD Flash/Unlock/SuperIMEI * First IN WORLD SM-G9006W Flash/Unlock/SuperIMEI * First IN WORLD SPH-L720 Flash/MEID * First IN WORLD SM-G901F Flash * First IN WORLD SM-N750S Flash * First IN WORLD SM-N750L Flash * First IN WORLD SM-N750K Flash * First IN WORLD SM-T321 Flash * First IN WORLD SM-T320 Flash * First IN WORLD SM-G900X Flash * SM-T331C Flash * SM-T331 Flash * SM-G900R4 Flash * SM-G7108U Flash * SM-G7108V Flash * SM-T325 Flash * SM-G3508J Flash * SM-G906S Flash * GT-I9508V Flash * GT-I9506 Flash * SCH-I679 Flash In update 18.1.8 from 19/06/2014 added: * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I8580 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I8550E Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I9507V Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * FIRST IN WORLD SM-G3815 UNLOCK/Super IMEI * FIRST IN WORLD SM-P601 UNLOCK/IMEI * FIRST IN WORLD SM-G9098 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SM-G9092 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SM-G3509I Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SCH-I939I Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SM-T2558 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SM-T2556 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SM-G3518 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SM-G3586V Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SM-G3588V FLASH * FIRST IN WORLD SM-G3508I Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SM-G3502I Flash * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I9158P Flash * GT-I9208 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI In update 17.9.4 from 19/06/2014 added: * First IN WORLD GT-N7108D F/I/U * First IN WORLD SM-G3858 F/U/I * First IN WORLD GT-I9168I F/I/U * First IN WORLD GT-I9168 F/I/U * First IN WORLD SM-N7508V F/U/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-N7506V F/U/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-I9308I F/U/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-I9300I F/U/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-W2014 U/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-N7505 F/U/Super IMEI * SM-G900H F/U/Super IMEI * SM-G7109 Flash * GT-S7278U Flash * GT-S7278 Flash * GT-I9152P Flash * SM-T2105 Flash * SM-G900S Flash * SM-G900L Flash * SM-G900K Flash * SM-G900I Flash * SM-G900A Flash * SM-G900T Flash * SM-P601 Flash * SM-V700 Flash In update 17.5.8 from 15/04/2014 added: ** F = Flash , U = Unlock , I = IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-T217T F/U/I * First IN WORLD GT-I9060L F/U/I * First IN WORLD GT-T111 F/U/I * First IN WORLD GT-T110 F/U/I * First IN WORLD GT-I9082N(I9082CZN) F/U/I * First IN WORLD GT-I9060 F/U/I * First IN WORLD GT-I9507 F/U/I * First IN WORLD SM-G3815 F * First IN WORLD SM-G3819D F * First IN WORLD SM-N9002 DUAL IMEI repair with super imei * First IN WORLD SM-G3509 F * GT-S7392 F/U/I * GT-S7390 F/U/I * SGH-I257 F/U/I * GT-S7262 F * 50 GB new file Added Support In update 17.4.3 from 21/01/2014 added: * First IN World SM-N9008V Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * First IN World SM-T315 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * First IN World SM-G350 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * First IN World SM-G3818 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * First IN World GT-S7562U Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * First IN World GT-S7562C Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * First IN World GT-S7278 Flash/IMEI * First IN World GT-G7102 Flash * First IN World GT-G7108 Flsah * First IN World GT-G7106 Flash * First IN World GT-N7108D Flash * First IN World SM-G3502C Flash * First IN World SM-W2014 Flash * First IN World SM-C105 Flash * GT-I8262 UNLOCK/IMEI(super imei) * GT-I9197 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * GT-S7582 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * GT-S7580 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI * GT-E2200 Repair IMEI * Repair Note 3 Network Problem After Super imei In update 17.1.5 from 27/12/2013 added: * First IN WORLD GT-I9128E Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * First IN WORLD SM-T211 IMEI/UNlOCK * First IN WORLD GT-I9118 FLASH/IMEI/UNLOCK * First IN WORLD GT-I9128I Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * First IN WORLD SM-N900 Unlock/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-N900W8 Unlock/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-N900T Unlock/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-N9008 Unlock/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-N9006 Unlock/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-N9005 Unlock/Super IMEI * First IN WORLD SM-N9008 Remove Google Account/Screen lock * First IN WORLD SM-N9006 Remove Google Account/Screen lock * First IN WORLD SM-N9005 Remove Google Account/Screen lock * First IN WORLD SM-N900W8 Remove Google Account/Screen lock * First IN WORLD SM-N900T Remove Google Account/Screen lock * GT-I9192 Repair NETWORK In update 16.9.8 from 26/11/2013 added: * GT-I9500 IMEI Change/Unlock * First IN WORLD SM-G3812 Flash/Unlock/Imei * First in WORLD GT-S7568i Flash/Unlock/Imei * SM-N9005 Flash * SM-N9009 Flash * SM-N900v Flash * SM-N9009 Flash In update 16.9.2 from 10/11/2013 added: * SM-G3502U Flash/Unlock/IMEI * SM-G3502 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-S7273T Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-I9158 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * SM-N9006 flash * SCH-I545 flash * SHV-E330S flash * SM-N9002 flash * SM-N900L flash * SM-N900K Flash * SM-N900S Flash * Repair GT-I9305 3G/4G * Repair GT-I9505 3G/4G * SM-N900W8 FLASH * SM-N900T FLSAH * SM-N9008 Flash * GT-S5282 Flash * SM-N900 Flash * GT-I8552B Region Change * GT-N7100 Region Change * N900t N900w8 Region change In update 16.7.2 from 09/09/2013 added: * First In World SCH-P729 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First In World SCH-P709 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-B5330L Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-S7272 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-S6812C Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-S7270L Flash/Unlock/IMEI * SC-04E Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-I8558 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * Android 4.xx pattern unlock In update 16.6.3 from 25/08/2013 added: * FIRST In WORLD GT-S6810B Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST In WORLD GT-S6810M Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST In WORLD GT-I9192 Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST In WORLD SM-T211 Flash * GT-S6810 Flash/Unlock/Imei * GT-S6810P Flash/Unlock/Imei * GT-S6810L Flash/Unlock/Imei * GT-I9190 Flash/Unlock/Imei * GT-I9195 Flash/Unlock/Imei In update 16.5.1 from 07/08/2013 added: *First IN WORLD GT-N5100 Flash/Unlock/IMEI *First IN WORLD GT-I9205 Flash/Unlock/IMEI *First IN WORLD GT-N7102I Flash/Unlock/IMEI *First IN WORLD SHV-E300L Flash/Unlock/IMEI *First IN WORLD GT-S5831I Flash/Unlock/IMEI *First IN WORLD SM-C101 Flash/Unlock *First IN WORLD SM-T310 Flash *First IN WORLD SM-T210 Flash *First IN WORLD GT-GC100 Super IMEI *First IN WORLD GT-I9260 Super IMEI *First IN WORLD GT-I9300 Super IMEI *First IN WORLD GT-I9500 Super IMEI *First IN WORLD GT-N7100 Super IMEI *First IN WORLD GT-N8000 Super IMEI *First IN WORLD SM-C101 Super IMEI *First IN WORLD SPH-D710 Flash/MEID *First IN WORLD SCH-J021 Unlock/IMEI *First IN WORLD SHV-E300S Flash *First IN WORLD GT-S5698 Flash *First IN WORLD GT-S7898 Flash * GT-I9200 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-I8262 Flash * 25 GB NEW FILE UPLOADED * Support Area Now Support Resume Download What is That Super IMEI * Super imei can repair null and 004999 imei * First Put Phone Download Mode then Press Reset Default Efs * Later Connect Uart Cable * Than Go About tab * Select Any imei U want * Then Press Factory mode In update 16.3.7 from 30/06/2013 added: * First IN WORLD GT-I9152 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-C3313T Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-S7710L Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-C3312R Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-I8262B Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-I9505G Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-I9508 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-I9082I Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-I8552B Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD SCH-I959 Flash/Unlock/IMEI/MEID * First IN WORLD SHV-E250S Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD SHV-E250LFlash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD SHV-E250KFlash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-S6812I Flash * First IN WORLD GT-S7898 Flash * First IN WORLD SCH-J021 Flash * GT-I9500 Flash/UNLOCK * GT-I9505 Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * GT-I9502 Flash/DUAL IMEI/UNLOCK * GT-S6802B Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * SGH-I747M IMEI/UNLOCK * SGH-I747 IMEI/UNLOCK * SGH-T999V IMEI/UNLOCK * SGH-T999 Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * SGH-T889 Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * SGH-T889V Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * SGH-I337M Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * SGH-M919 Flash/IMEI/UNLOCK * GT-E1207T Flash/Dual IMEI/UNLOCK * 75 GB NEW File Upload * Second Support area Opened Middle east and europen client recommend use this one for fast download asia and america can use old one In update 16.0.6 added: * FIRST IN WORLD GT-S6312 Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST IN WORLD GT-S7572 Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I8258 Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I8268 Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I9128 Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I9128V Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST IN WORLD GT-S301L Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I8552 Flash/Unlock/Imei * FIRST IN WORLD SCH-I759 Flash/MEID/Imei * FIRST IN WORLD SHV-E270S Flash/Unlock/Imei(BETA) * FIRST IN WORLD SCH-I829 Flash/MEID * FIRST IN WORLD SCH-I619 Flash/MEID * FIRST IN WORLD SCH-I739 Flash/MEID * FIRST IN WORLD GT-I8730 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD GT-B9388 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SHV-E250K Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SHV-E250S Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SHV-E250L Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SCH-R950 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SCH-I605 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SCH-I535 Flash * FIRST IN WORLD SCH-I879 Flash * GT-I9080L Flash/Unlock/Imei * GT-I9105 Flash/Unlock/Imei * GT-I8190L Flash/Unlock/Imei * GT-S5301 Flash/Unlock/Imei * GT-E2252 Flash/Unlock/Imei * 80 GB NEW File Uploaded Support Area In update 15.7.2 added: * First IN WORLD GT-S7562 Flash/Unlock/Dual Imei * First IN WORLD GT-S7562I Flash/Unlock/Dual Imei * First IN WORLD GT-S7568 Flash/Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD GT-I9105P Flash/Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD GT-I9082 Flash/Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD GT-I9082P Flash/Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD GT-I9082C Flash/Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD GT-I9260 Flash/Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD GT-I9268 Flash/Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD GT-E1500 Flash/Unlock/DUAL Imei * GT-E1202 Flash/Unlock/Dual Imei * GT-E1202C Flash/Unlock/Dual Imei In update 15.5.1 added: * First IN WORLD GT-I9305 Direct Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD GT-N7105 Direct Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD GT-P3108 Direct Unlock/Imei/Flash * First IN WORLD GT-I8190N Unlock/Imei/Flash * First IN WORLD GT-S5292 Unlock/Imei/Flash * First IN WORLD SGH-T889 Direct Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD SGH-T889V Direct Unlock/Imei * First IN WORLD SGH-I317 Direct Unlock/Imei/Flash * First IN WORLD SGH-I317M Direct Unlock/Imei/Flash * First IN WORLD SHW-M440S Direct Unlock/Imei/Flash * First IN WORLD SCH-I959D Direct Unlock/Imei/Flash/MEID * First IN WORLD SCH-I939D Direct Unlock/Imei/Flash/MEID * First IN WORLD SHV-E250L Flash * First IN WORLD SHV-E250K Flash * First IN WORLD SHV-E250S Flash * Auto Root Added for Some Android version like 4.1.1,4.0.4 just use spt mode for make auto root In update 15.2.3 added: * First IN WORLD EK-GC100(Galaxy Camera) Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD EK-GC100C(Galaxy Camera) Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-N8005 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD GT-P7500R FLASH/IMEI/UNLOCK * First IN WORLD GT-P7500M FLASH/IMEI/UNLOCK * First IN WORLD SCH-N719 Flash/IMEI/MEID * First IN WORLD SCH-W2013 Flash/MEID * First IN WORLD GT-N7102 FLASH/MEID * First IN WORLD GT-N7108 FLASH * First IN WORLD GT-B9120 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * First IN WORLD SGH-I577 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-I8190 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-S5302 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-B5330C Flash/Unlock/IMEI * GT-B5330 Flash/Unlock/IMEI * SC-02E Flash * GT-N7105 Flash In update 15.0.5 added: * First IN World GT-S7562I Flash/Unlock/Master IMEI * First IN World GT-S5830K Flash/Unlock/Imei * First IN World GT-N8013 Flash * First IN World GT-P7500U Flash * First IN World SCH-I500 Flash * Improved GT-N7100 Imei/Unlock * Improved GT-I9300 Imei/Unlock * Improved GT-I9308 Imei/Unlock * New Android Series SN REPAIR ADDED(I9300,N7100,P7500 etc) NEW Procedure OF N7100/I9300/I9308 Following: * First Make Root Phone * Mark Unlock(if just want unlock) Press SPT MODE * If want imei should mark repair imei and unlock together * Then Factory Mode. Features (see details below): -New and very easy to use software GUI -Alphabetical phone model selection -Displays information about required cable on selecting phone model -Automatic flash file selection for Sysol,Swift and Zxxx flashing -High speed communication with phone saves you time -Read info from all supported models -Read All unlock codes: NCK,MCK,NSCK,SCK,PCK,etc... -Direct (Fast) Unlock All type of Locks -Re-Lock a Samsung phone to a network -High speed Flashing -Read/Write EEPROM -Read/Write FULL FLASH -Super fast USB flashing mode available for Agere phones -Safe and Super fast Zxxx flashing -Rebuilding IMEI (only for repair purpose) -Bypass MSL security on new phones for rebuild IMEI -Repair all software faults -Repair 'Phone freeze' -Repair 'Phone locked return for servicing' & 'Wrong Card' -Repair permanently blocked phones (0 unlock code counter) -Repair damaged NV/NVM/EEPROM -Automatic login to support area from SPT Box software -Online update and upgrades of Smart Card -Instant broadcasting service for anouncing new software releases. -Periodic online Smart Card integrity check -Possibility to use SPT box as universal box cables(pinout) Supported Samsung models: A Series SGH-A127 SGH-A137 SGH-A167 SGH-A177 SGH-A187 SGH-A226 SGH-A227 SGH-A237 SGH-A256 SGH-A257 SGH-A26A SGH-A401 SGH-A411 SGH-A412 SGH-A437 SGH-A501 SGH-A516 SGH-A551 SGH-A561 SGH-A637 SGH-A657 SGH-A687 SGH-A697 SGH-A701 SGH-A706 SGH-A707 SGH-A717 SGH-A727 SGH-A736 SGH-A737 SGH-A747 SGH-A747N SGH-A766 SGH-A767 SGH-A777 SGH-A797 SGH-A801 SGH-A811 SGH-A821 SGH-A827 SGH-A836 SGH-A837 SGH-A847 SGH-A847R SGH-A867 SGH-A877 SGH-A885 SGH-A887 SGH-A897 B SeriesGT-B2100 GT-B2100C GT-B2100N GT-B2700 GT-B2703 GT-B2710 GT-B2710D GT-B3210 GT-B3210C GT-B3310 GT-B3310I GT-B3313 GT-B3410 C SeriesGT-C3010 GT-C3010S GT-C3011 GT-C3050 GT-C3050C GT-C3053 GT-C3110 GT-C3110C GT-C3200 GT-C3200G GT-C3200L GT-C3212 GT-C3212I D SeriesSGH-D347 SGH-D357 SGH-D407 SGH-D410 SGH-D410C SGH-D415 SGH-D418 SGH-D428 SGH-D450 SGH-D458 SGH-D488 SGH-D500 SGH-D500E SGH-D508 E SeriesGT-E1050 GT-E1055G GT-E1055T GT-E1070 GT-E1070C GT-E1070M GT-E1070T GT-E1075 GT-E1075L GT-E1075T GT-E1080 GT-E1080C GT-E1080F F SeriesSGH-F110 SGH-F118 SGH-F150 SGH-F158 SGH-F200 SGH-F208 SGH-F210 SGH-F210L SGH-F218 SGH-F250 SGH-F250L SGH-F258 SGH-F260 SGH-F265 G SeriesEK-GC100 EK-GC100C SM-G350 SGH-G400 SGH-G400F SGH-G400L SGH-G408 SGH-G500 SGH-G508 SGH-G508E SGH-G600 SGH-G600L SGH-G608 SGH-G610 SGH-G618 SM-G7109 SGH-G800 SGH-G800L SGH-G808 SGH-G808E SGH-G810 SM-G900H SM-G900S SM-G900L SM-G900K SM-G900I SM-G900A SM-G900T SGH-G818E SM-G3815 SM-G3818 SM-G9098 SM-G9092 SM-G3509I SM-G3518 SM-G3586V SM-G3588V SM-G3508I SM-G3502I SM-G3858 GT-G7102 GT-G7108 GT-G7106 SM-G3502C SM-G3812 SM-G3502U SM-G3502 SM-G900MD SM-G900FD SM-G9006W SM-G901F SM-G900R4 SM-G7108U SM-G7108V GT-GC100 SM-G3815 SM-G3819D SM-G3509 SM-G3508J SM-G906 H SeriesSGH-H128 I SeriesSCH-I405 SCH-I500 SCH-I509 SCH-I509U SCH-I535 SCH-I559 SCH-I579 SCH-I589 SCH-I605 SCH-I619 SCH-I739 SCH-I759 SCH-I779 SCH-I809 SCH-I829 SCH-I879 SCH-I899 SCH-I909 SCH-I919 SCH-I919U SCH-I929 SCH-I939 SCH-I939D SCH-I959 SCH-I959D J SeriesSCH-J021 L SeriesSGH-L168 SGH-L170 SGH-L250 SGH-L258 SGH-L288 SGH-L310 SGH-L318 SGH-L320 SGH-L328 SGH-L400 SGH-L400V SGH-L600 SGH-L608 SGH-L700 SGH-L708 SGH-L708E SGH-L750 SGH-L760 SGH-L760G SGH-L768 SGH-L768G SGH-L770 SGH-L770S SGH-L778 SGH-L780 SGH-L810 SGH-L811 SGH-L870 SGH-L878 SGH-L878E SPH-L720 M SeriesGT-M1360 GT-M2310 GT-M2510 GT-M2510C GT-M2513 GT-M2513C GT-M2520 GT-M2710 GT-M2710C GT-M3200 GT-M3200C GT-M3310 GT-M3318C GT-M3510 GT-M3510C GT-M3510L GT-M3710 GT-M5650 GT-M5650C GT-M7500 GT-M7600 GT-M7600B GT-M7600C GT-M7600H GT-M7600L GT-M7603 GT-M8800 GT-M8800B GT-M8800C GT-M8800H GT-M8800J GT-M8800L GT-M8800N GT-M8910 GT-M8910H GT-M8910U SGH-M100 SGH-M100B SGH-M110 SGH-M120 SGH-M120 SGH-M128 SGH-M130L SGH-M140 SGH-M150 SGH-M158 SGH-M200 SGH-M208 GH-M300 SGH-M300B SGH-M300N SGH-M308 SGH-M310 SGH-M310G SGH-M310L SGH-M310V SGH-M310W SGH-M318 SGH-M320L SGH-M600 SGH-M600L SGH-M608 SGH-M610 SGH-M618 SGH-M620 SGH-M620N SGH-M628 SGH-M628N SGH-M919 SHW-M110S SHW-M130K SHW-M130L SHW-M180S SHW-M190S SHW-M240S SHW-M250K SHW-M250S SHW-M290K SHW-M440S SPH-M7200 SCH-M510 SCH-M710 SCH-M715 SCH-M720 N SeriesSCH-N719 P SeriesGT-P1000 GT-P1000C GT-P1000L GT-P1000N GT-P1000T GT-P1010 GT-P1013 GT-P3100 GT-P3108 GT-P3110 GT-P3113 GT-P5100 GT-P5110 GT-P5113 GT-P6200 GT-P6210 GT-P6800 GT-P6810 GT-P7100 GT-P7300 GT-P7300C GT-P7310 GT-P7500 GT-P7500C GT-P7500M GT-P7500R GT-P7500U GT-P7501 GT-P7503 GT-P7510 SGH-P100 SGH-P108 SGH-P110 SGH-P180 SGH-P200 SGH-P207 SGH-P220 SGH-P240 SGH-P260 SGH-P270 SGH-P300 SGH-P308 SGH-P310 SGH-P318 SGH-P400 SGH-P408 SGH-P520 SGH-P528 SGH-P710 SGH-P730 SGH-P730C SGH-P738 SGH-P780 SGH-P788 SGH-P850 SGH-P858 SGH-P900 SGH-P910 SGH-P920 SGH-P960 SCH-P709 SCH-P729 SCH-P739 SM-P601 Q SeriesSGH-Q100 SGH-Q105 SGH-Q200 SGH-Q208 R SeriesSCH-R950 S SeriesGT-S301L GT-S3030 GT-S3030C GT-S3100 GT-S3100C GT-S3110 GT-S3110C GT-S3310 GT-S3310C GT-S3310I GT-S3350 GT-S3350L GT-S3350M GT-S3353 GT-S3370 GT-S3370B GT-S3370C GT-S3500 GT-S3500C GT-S3500I GT-S3501C GT-S3550 GT-S3550C GT-S3550L GT-S3550M GT-S3600 GT-S3600C GT-S3600H GT-S3600I GT-S3600L GT-S3601C GT-S3650 GT-S3650C GT-S3650H GT-S3653 GT-S3653M GT-S3653W GT-S3710C GT-S3770 GT-S3770K GT-S3770V GT-S3770Y GT-S3778 GT-S3778V GT-S3830U GT-S3850 GT-S3853 GT-S3930C GT-S3970 GT-S5050 GT-S5050C GT-S5150 GT-S5150C GT-S5200 GT-S5200C GT-S5220 GT-S5222 GT-S5230 GT-S5230C GT-S5230G GT-S5230M GT-S5230N GT-S5230R GT-S5230W GT-S5230Y GT-S5233A GT-S5233S GT-S5233T GT-S5233W GT-S5250 GT-S5253 GT-S5260 GT-S5260L GT-S5263 GT-S5270K GT-S5270L GT-S5292 GT-S5300 GT-S5300B GT-S5300C GT-S5301 GT-S5302 GT-S5330 GT-S5333 GT-S5350 GT-S5350L GT-S5360 GT-S5360B GT-S5360C GT-S5360L GT-S5360T GT-S5363 GT-S5367 GT-S5368 GT-S5369 GT-S5380B GT-S5380D GT-S5380E GT-S5500 GT-S5500C GT-S5503 GT-S5510 GT-S5510T GT-S5511T GT-S5520 GT-S5520C GT-S5530 GT-S5530C GT-S5550 GT-S5550C GT-S5550U GT-S5560 GT-S5560C GT-S5560H GT-S5560I GT-S5560L GT-S5570 GT-S5570B GT-S5570I GT-S5570L GT-S5578 GT-S5580 GT-S5580C GT-S5600 GT-S5600H GT-S5600L GT-S5603 GT-S5603T GT-S5608U GT-S5610 GT-S5610K GT-S5620 GT-S5620B GT-S5620L GT-S5628 GT-S5628I GT-S5630C GT-S5660 GT-S5660M GT-S5670 GT-S5670B GT-S5670L GT-S5680C GT-S5690 GT-S5690L GT-S5690M GT-S5690R GT-S5698 GT-S5750E GT-S5753E GT-S5780 GT-S5820 GT-S5830 GT-S5830B GT-S5830C GT-S5830I GT-S5830K GT-S5830L GT-S5830M GT-S5830T GT-S5830Z GT-S5831I GT-S5838 GT-S5839I GT-S6102 GT-S6102B GT-S6102E GT-S6108 GT-S6312 GT-S6352 GT-S6358 GT-S6500 GT-S6500D GT-S6500L GT-S6700C GT-S6700T GT-S6703T GT-S6802 GT-S6802B GT-S6810 GT-S6810B GT-S6810L GT-S6810M GT-S6810P GT-S6812C GT-S6812I GT-S6888 GT-S7070 GT-S7070C GT-S7120U GT-S7220 GT-S7230E GT-S7230L GT-S7230W GT-S7233E GT-S7250D GT-S7270L GT-S7272 GT-S7278U GT-S7278 GT-S7330 GT-S7350 GT-S7350C GT-S7350E GT-S7350F GT-S7350H GT-S7350I GT-S7500 GT-S7500L GT-S7508 GT-S7520U GT-S7550 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